Reading Time: < 1 minute My name is Marco Pesente, I live in the province of Verona (North-Est Italy). From the late 1970s I delighted in obtaining audio recordings of all beings that in nature emits songs, calls and noises, with particular regard to the bird songs, but also…
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is not meant to be an exhaustive website on the recording of “sounds” that can be “captured” in nature, there are already dozens of excellent sites where the various audio recording techniques are reported more or less in-depth.The purpose I set for myself…
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Reading Time: < 1 minute UNIVERSITY OF PAVIA – RESEARCHERS ‘NIGHTSeptember 30, 2022 Presentazione del Dr Gianni Pavan alla Notte dei Ricercatori a Pavia per illustrare i temi della bioacustica e dell’ecoacustica. Con ascolto di suoni di molte specie, dalle megattere a cervi, uccelli canori, anfibi e anche insetti….
Reading Time: < 1 minute A few weeks ago, I bought a pair of Earsight microphones 48V XLR plugs. After testing them with the new Zoom F3, I found that, as it was logical to expect, the stereo separation with these two omnidirectional capsules was not great, despite having…
Reading Time: 2 minutes People often debate the use of mono or stereo microphones inside a parabolic dish. This I have already mentioned here.In summary: some prefer a mono recording for a “clean” use with spectrogram analysis, others prefer to obtain a stereo recording to have a pleasant…