Reading Time: < 1 minute My name is Marco Pesente, I live in the province of Verona (North-Est Italy). From the late 1970s I delighted in obtaining audio recordings of all beings that in nature emits songs, calls and noises, with particular regard to the bird songs, but also…
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is not meant to be an exhaustive website on the recording of “sounds” that can be “captured” in nature, there are already dozens of excellent sites where the various audio recording techniques are reported more or less in-depth.The purpose I set for myself…
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday’s night summer, before the thunderstorms expected for the next day (now regularly arrived!). The microphone used is a Do It Yourself “TETA Microphone”.Listening must be performed strictly on headphones, otherwise the whole description that follows loses its value.Excluding a couple of green frog…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Camo dish with central vision slit
Reading Time: 6 minutes Which type of microphone inside the parabolic dish: Stereo, Mono, or Twin Mono? As already stated by Wahlström (Sten Wahlström, Swedish Radio, Karlstad, Sweden, JAES Volume 33 Issue 6 pp. 418-429; June 1985), acquire a stereo effect using a parabolic microphone system is possible,…