This entry has been awarded runner up in the Habitat class of the 2012 WSRS Wildlife Sound Recording Society sound competition.
This is a file that I recorded on May 28, 2012 in Italy, in the mountains near Verona, Lessinia, at 1400 meters above sea level. The soundscape is very angle limited because captured with a parabola stereo using a Telinga Universal, were inside I placed a DIY 3+3 parallel connected EM 172 Primo Stereo microphones.
No processing was done in post production.
The species recognizable are: Turdus viscivorus, Parus ater, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Cuculus canorus. Captured holding the parabola by hand, no tripod at all.
These the coordinates: 45.659824,11.085538
BEWARE: the Roland R05 is a digital recorder very FRAGILE both for the 3.5 mm jack and the electronic board, much better and stronger is the Sony M10. This is my opinion after using both recorders.
E’ una meraviglia!!!
Ciao Walter, e grazie mille per tutto 😉
Hi Patrick, welcome to my website!