Reading Time: < 1 minute Yellow-bellied toad Full moon, midnight, slightly windy weather in Monte Baldo, Valfredda, Verona, Italy, 11 July 2014.At 1300 meters of altitude, in a small pond, I recorded a chorus of Yellow-bellied toad and European tree frog while an uncommon bat, a Tadarida teniotis, flying…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Eurasian Scops
Reading Time: < 1 minute Mole Cricket, song recorded using a Telinga Pro5 Twin Mono Song emitted from the burrow cavity recorded on 22 May 2002 using a parabolic microphone Telinga Twin Mono.It can be confused with the song of the Green toad, Bufotes viridisCanto emesso dalla cavità tana…
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